2013 | 07.22 | Mon | 21:50

atmos mag 04 “adidas Originals for atmos”


via www.atmos-tokyo.com
atmos mag 04 Summer

04 page
atmos limited :
The thing of atmosphere and atmos
Photo: Kengo Shimizu(STUH)

adidas Originals for atmos
atoms SS80s G-SNK6
atmos superstar 80s “Glow in the dark SNAKE” / Navy

atmos Staff Comment
言わずと知れたアトモスとアディダス オリジナルスによるスペシャルキックス“SS 80s G-SNK”シリーズ最新作。Vol.5から約1年の時を経て、満を持しての登場。Vol.6はネイビーレザーのアッパーにスネークパターンの蓄光プリント[Glow in the dark]を施しています。シックで大人の雰囲気が漂いつつも暗闇では妖艶なギャップが楽しめる1足です。¥14,700
As everyone knows that the latest adidas Originals special kicks “SS 80s G-SNK” series. Since one year from the Vol. 5 it is fully prepared to release Vol. 6 now. The Combination of navy leather upper and the snake patterns’ glow in the dark used on it. It gives chic and matured atmosphere but in the dark it is enjoyable to find a fascinating gap.

atmos mag 04
